Sunday 14 October 2012

Cow Cake!

A couple of weeks ago, it was my housemates birthday, and I decided instead of present I would bake her a cake.
She is absolutely addicted to cow print! She loves anything and everything that has cow print on it. I had been planning this cake in my head for quite a while, thinking of how I could incorporate cow print in it, and thought... the whole cake should be cow print!

So lets from the sponge.. I made one sponge mix, and separated it into two bowls, into one of the mixes I added some black food colouring and an extra bit of cocoa powder just to maintain the same consistency as the other mix. I dolloped the two different sponges into my lined trays and this was the outcome.

Amazing right?
I wanted the outer layer to be cow print, but I also wanted the challenge of making a fondant cow, this was my first ever attempt as making a fondant cow, and I tell you, I felt like a proud mother when this was finished. 

 He was so cute, I almost wanted to put him in an air tight container and put him on my fireplace as a momentum.

I assembled the three layer cake and covered the cake with some modelling chocolate, I dont know what I did wrong, but it definitely did not come out right, the chocolate went hard as if there were no glucose in it, but I put 4 tablespoons in, so I'm still not quite sure what went wrong! If anyone has any idea how I prevent this in the future then please let me know!

I covered the cake with it regardless, as I had no marzipan at hand. So the final layer was a little lumpy and bumpy, but was covered up quite well with the cow print. This was the finished cake, all cow printed up with the cute cow topper of course :)

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